We had a fantastic day today! Backwards Day is still one of camp's "greatest hits." The campers successfully solved the EpiClue mystery (it was Gene Simmons - dressed up with *a lot* of makeup on - who kidnapped the Pearson Twins by luring them to the tennis courts with Hoodsies). The kids stayed energetic and positive throughout the game. It was an awesome afternoon.
Breakfast for dinner was a HUGE success. The teens walked into the dining hall to the glorious smell of cooked bacon, along with eggs and hash browns. Yummy!
After dinner we gathered for "morning" watch, which set us up well for morning group at night. Morning group at night is often the time when groups begin to go deeper in their conversations, building trust and risking vulnerability. The cover of darkness seems to help the teens open up. After "morning" group ended, we headed back to the Council Ring for vespers. The campers are all tucked away in their cabins now, heading off to sleep. Sweet dreams to everyone! We'll check in again tomorrow...
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