Saturday, August 21, 2021

Friday Camp Blog 2021

As we come to the end of the week, many traditional events take place in the life of our Camp Cody participants.

After a Morning Group that consisted of Strength Bombardment exercises where each member of the group receives positive comments from all, we began to contemplate the week we have just spent together.

We gathered on the field after lunch to hold our HUG LINE, where we all had a chance to shake hands, virtual hug and wish everyone well. It got extremely hot so the Hug line became a HIGH FIVE LINE to get out of the hot sun.

Later, our 2020 and 2021 Graduates were recognized for their achievements.

After dinner, we held our Consecration Service led by our Camp Seniors and CIT members, with a message from Rev Bill about taking Baby Steps that eventually add up to huge strides, knowing that God is always walking with you. We then held a silent candlelight walk around Camp, remembering where we have walked this week, the people we have met and all we have learned about Gods unconditional love. That was followed by messages from our Graduates about what they have learned during the Camp years. A memento was handled out, a Game Spinner, reminding us of our theme this week and containing special messages of encouragement in the years ahead. And of course, John's music set the mood that God is with us always.

Again, a Good Day!


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