Thursday, August 19, 2021

Thursday Camp Blog 2021

Well, it was bound to happen one day! We woke up this morning to a lake that was as smooth as a sheet of glass, but that was just a tease for what the weather would be like today.

It is Thursday, a great week of fun, conversations, worship and games, but we have not had to battle the elements of nature. The day began with Pancakes and Coffee cake at breakfast, with Sausages and Fruit, and then all gathered to read their Morning Watches in silence, a time to reflect and pry individually.

Tom spoke about today's schedule and to be ready for a few adjustments because of the weather, and we went off to Morning Groups based on the Game of Clue.

That game requires forward thinking, logic and speculation, to figure out where we want to be in our guesses get the end of the game. This morning we talked about our own future, where we think we may want to be, about what our vision is and our dreams. What fears do we share in common about the future? Hopes?  How will science and technology change our lives and where does faith fit in?

Our scripture today is from Romans 12:9-21 and we hear the writer telling people to not meet evil with evil, but answer with good and be in harmony with others when they are happy and when they are struggling. Those things will not change.
THEN THE RAIN CAME ! And in buckets!  Lunch was served, nice warm Pizza Panini Sandwiches were a HIT!

The afternoon program of Cabin Wars went on despite the weather, with the Sr High Boys team came out on top in various Field Games, wet soggy field games. Nothing dampened the spirit of the Games. The trophy rests in the Hands of the Sr High Boys until next year!

Dinner found us enjoying Hamburgers and Hot Dogs with fixings, Pasta Salad and Potato Salad. 

Chapel was led by an amazing 14 members of our Jr High Campers. So many volunteered that the script had to be re-written. We are in good hands with that generation stepping up to lead us in faith. Staff Member Mackenzie offered the message this evening. She spoke about living the future in the moment, that the future is now and we are called to be intentional in our living.

The evening program was the Semi Formal Candy Land Dance. Because of the weather, we held the dance masked inside the Rec Hall with the full light show and thumping music igniting the crowd. Spectacular dance with many dressed as Candy Land characters and in splendid semi formal attire.

Our final Vesper Service message after the dance was offered by John F, who has done a phenomenal job leading us in Song all week. He spoke and asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up, and then transitioned that questions from professions to feelings and inner happiness. The quest to grow does not change much over time, and the search for happiness and contentment means we need to be active and vocal in our searching. And we need to bring this camp spirit back to explain why we have enjoyed ourselves so much, as others have done for 63 years before us.

After Vespers, a tired Camp headed off to bed…

And yes….a wet….but very good day.


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